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Upload to Gamespark

Please only upload full games to Gamespark. If you are interested in uploading clips and videos, click here.

By uploading to Gamespark, your videos will be made publicly accessible for use by scouting and player accounts.
If you wish to upload games privately, please sign up for an account.


Team Roster

Free Player/Coach Editor + Profile

Our player account is streamlined to allow you to upload video, share video, cut clips, and get scouted. Player accounts tie in seamlessly with their team accounts to get further feedback from their coaches. Accounts can clip categories from videos and fine tune them to allow for the best video analysis experience. With you account, you also get a FREE public profile on our players page. Upgrade your account to have the ability to add selected clips to your public profile.

Sign Up For a Free Account

Free Scouting Account with Validation

Our scouting account provides access to the top AAA teams across the country! Scouts are able to view both team and player profiles. Team profiles show full team rosters, as well as any videos uploaded under that team. Player profiles show player bios, videos, and any clips they want scouted. Scouts are able to request more video from teams and players, which will notify the account that they have been looked at.

Scout Sign Up